Who is qualified to lead a church congregation? I asked myself that question when I saw an article the other day notifying the public that a convicted sex offender and child molester was an executive manager for a local church.
The phrase false prophet is mentioned in the Bible quite a few times. The general definition and behavior of a false prophet is someone who claims divine authority while being a deceiver or flat-out liar when it comes to speaking
Lots of stuff happens behind closed doors. Many people live a secret life behind the scenes. A life where they would never want the skeletons in their closet to be viewed by others. Today is inauguration day in the United
No doubt most of us have experienced a holier than thou Christian before. The phrase is going to look different to everyone so I will elaborate on my perspective. Growing up as a child in church I got to interact
Lots of people have a hard time determining if they should be pleasing people or pleasing God. Somehow these folks think that there is an overlap in the two. With a mindset like that, it creates an issue. There is
It is quite frequent that I run into a cowardly Christian. No, I’m not sitting here trying to attack or belittle someone specifically. I am simply pointing out a character flaw that seems to be expanding itself in the Christian
I have been to the deceptive church and walked its halls before. I have sat in the pews of a deceptive church and witnessed first-hand manipulation from the pulpit. Churches that seek to glorify themselves over Jesus Christ are deceptive
I don’t care what anyone says or believes, there is only one God and that is God the father who is creator of everything. Take the biblical argument out of the equation for a minute. Walk your brain back as
What exactly is a spiritual gift? The best way to describe a spiritual gift is by identifying a talent that you possess that can only come from God. Everyone is blessed to have different abilities and talents. Some people are
Counter to popular belief, being a peacemaker does not mean being silent. In fact, it means quite the opposite. If we look at the example that Jesus demonstrated, Jesus was very vocal when interacting with Pharisees and Sadducees. Most of