I despise wimpy Christianity. I don’t want to be part of any organization that clings to wimpiness. If we look at the characterizes of God, we will never find the word wimpy to describe him. As Christians, we are supposed to be Christ-followers. In order to follow someone, we must start acting like them and mirroring their characteristic traits. Being wimpy isn’t of God, it is of the devil. If you are offended, then chances are you prefer the wimpy, non-confrontational, conforming, virtue signaling type of Christianity that isn’t of God.
What is wimpy Christianity and what does it look like? Let’s take look at what the Bible says. First off, the word wimp means someone who is weak and cowardly. One of the funniest things that wimps try to do is justify their behavior so that they don’t look as wimpy as they are. Wimps will often refer to Jesus being meek. In their context they match the word of meek with nonconfrontational and cowardly. The Biblical version of meek is being gentle, humble and mild. Being gentle, humble and mild are completely different from being a wimp. Some of the most recognized and greatest qualities of Jesus are his ability to be gentle, humble and mild.
Jesus is a lot more than being humble, he is also the truth, patience, kindness, loving, forgiving, bold, decisive and discerning just to name a few. Never, ever, not once in the Bible is Jesus wimpy. For the life of me, I do not understand why some people that call themselves Christian chase character traits that are completely polar opposites of Jesus. The only thing that I can think of is that they are not walking along side Christ, they are walking away from him. You cannot build major characteristic flaws into your life and proclaim to be a follower of Christ. I am not saying people need to be perfect as we know that everyone is a sinner. But being wimpy is a lifestyle choice that is counter to following Christ.
Wimpy Christians need to grow a spine.
One of the most frustrating times that I lived through in my life was Covid. I guess in being naive I assumed that Christians would be filled with the Holy Spirit so much that they would stick out in a world and act completely different than the secular society that they tried to build their church country club walls against. I will admit that I was completely wrong about what I believed. Foolish maybe. But mostly disappointed in what I expected from my fellow brothers and sisters in the midst of a challenge from the secular world. For some reason I thought that the bond and unity we had under Christ would make us strong individuals that were capable of weathering any storm together.
I write about this in depth in my book, so it isn’t necessary to rehash everything here again. I realized that through the experiences that I lived during this time, being a Christian is not the same as being a Christ-follower. Being a Christian is nothing more than associating yourself with a group of people claiming to believe in the same thing as you. Being a Christ-follower is living out those feelings for everyone to see even if it isn’t popular and even if the people who claim to be on the same team stab you in the back and change teams in the middle of the battle.
I’m not going to dwell on what should have been. I have readjusted my expectations of people. I know who I can trust in this world and who I can’t. When put under fire, some people weaken, and others get stronger. I know which individuals are wimpy Christians and which people are Christ-followers that I can trust. I don’t want wimpy Christians in my life. It isn’t about someone’s infancy in faith that bothers me. It is understanding that the fundamentals and foundation of any strong relationship are essential for its survival. If we have the same foundation, we can have differing opinions and ways that we go about processing challenges. If we do not have the same foundation we can’t be on the same team. We must be equally yoked to the word of God to move forward otherwise the relationship becomes a ball and chain, not a partner in discipleship.
I would rather spend my time trying to win someone over for Christ that doesn’t know any better because they are not filled with the Holy Spirit. I find it a complete waste of time to pretend to fellowship with wimps that know better and should act different. When it is time to go into battle against the darkness that plagues this world, I want to be on the side of a committed team that will walk shoulder to shoulder with me and take up their cross to follow Jesus. I want you to be on team Jesus, not team wimp.