Modern day mockers exceed the definition of teasing and contemptuous behavior by the way they conduct themselves. Social media has been the gateway drug to give these keyboard warriors a platform to exercise their stupidity. It is easy to just scroll right on past their behavior and ignore their continued banter. Engaging these individuals never de-escalates a situation but throws gas on the fire. These individuals see a reaction and it motivates them to keep on engaging with the mocking. There are two types of mocking. Righteous mocking and demonic mocking.

Here are examples of righteous mocking by God.

2 Peter 2:22 New American Standard Bible

22 It has happened to them according to the true proverb, “A dog returns to its own vomit,” and “A sow, after washing, returns to wallowing in the mire.”

Psalm 2:4 New American Standard Bible

He who sits in the heavens laughs, The Lord scoffs at them.

Psalm 37:13 New American Standard Bible

13 The Lord laughs at him, For He sees that his day is coming.

Psalm 59:8 New American Standard Bible

But You, Lord, laugh at them; You scoff at all the nations.

Demonic mockers attack God through you.

Demonic mockers are a different breed. This type of person claims that God isn’t real, but mocks God every chance they get. You can’t mock something that doesn’t exist, so their continued mocking shows me that they believe in God but are butt-hurt or resentful about something. Many people carry lots of baggage in their lives. From daddy issues to mommy issues, to the time they got passed up for the promotion at work, to the time they had something tragic happen in their life that they didn’t get resolved the way they wanted it to be. Whatever the reason is, these people are turning their hurt, anger and resentment to God. Somehow these individuals feel that by mocking God, they are getting back at him for the way they feel. Maybe they think that they are getting his attention.

Whatever reason these people have for mocking God, it is absolutely stupid and childish. They are not making any valid points, and they are not getting a closer look from God for their offensive behavior. The behavior just shows their ignorance and inability to work through their past life issues. When someone reaches the crazy point in their derangement, there isn’t anything that you can do, other than pray for the other person. These people are beyond rationalizing with and you can’t hold an adult conversation with them because anything that points back to God is a trigger for them.

These people can be easily distinguished from non-believers by the way they respond to the Gospel. Many people that don’t know the Gospel and have a limited exposure to Christianity are curious about Jesus when his ministry is presented to them. They may not believe for whatever reason, but their heart has not hardened to the point where they see themselves as a forever victim. One main thing that I have noticed through my interactions with non-believers is that they do not mock God. They may say I don’t believe in that, or I don’t want to talk about religion, but you can still have a civil conversation with these people.

Butt-hurt mockers believe in God because they want to be mad at someone. They intentionally heckle Christians like an opposing team fan would an athlete at a sporting event. The heckler intentionally badgers the athlete to get under their skin by telling them lies and being aggressive in the tone of their words. The heckler knows that the athlete is amazing, but for whatever reason the person wants to make it known that they are not on your team because the athlete didn’t deliver them a win and they are stuck on a losing team. The same attitude of hecklers in sports can be applied to mockers and Christianity. These people know that God is amazing and the creator of everything, but they find themselves on the losing team because of life choices that they made. Instead of joining the amazing team, these people continue to stay on the team of losers which is team Satan.

The devil wants you to lose. His only goal is to mock God and destroy his creation. By mocking God, you will find yourself on team Satan which is the losing team. The good news is that God wants you on his team no matter what baggage you bring with you. Everyone is welcome. So instead of sitting behind your keyboard mocking God, do something constructive that will have an eternal consequence. Let go of whatever resentment you have in life and start to unwind the years of frustration and decay of a hardened heart. It won’t happen overnight, but the first step is to stop mocking God, acknowledge his almighty power and authority over us. Once you get to that point, the rest of things will fall into place. God will not be mocked forever. Eventually you will die and an eternity in hell awaits you. Choose wisely.


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