Fabricated lies and imposters continue to taint this world. The church doors are not secure from this behavior either. I will just jump right into scripture with this one.
2 Timothy 3:12-14 New American Standard Bible
12 Indeed, all who want to live in a godly way in Christ Jesus will be persecuted. 13 But evil people and impostors will proceed from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived. 14 You, however, continue in the things you have learned and become convinced of, knowing from whom you have learned them,
A good indicator of your faithfulness is to measure the persecution level that you receive from the secular world. Do your values rub against the grain of the world, or do they parallel themselves with it? Do you condone immoral behavior in your life? There are two standards for which we can choose to live by. Gods’ standard of truth and righteousness or fabricated lies which align with the devil.
Imposters will deceive people while pretending to be morally elite and superior. The deception comes in several forms. The first form of deception is to take something that is inherently true and label it as false. This is done by repeating a false narrative until people believe the lie that they are being told. The second form of deception is to take something that is inherently true and change the definition if labeling it as false doesn’t work. Look at the example of the word love.
The definition of love has been perverted from Gods’ intent of love to the illegitimate phrase love is love. The same word is still used but the definition is completely different. This is an example of changing the definition of a word to fit a different meaning. Another example of deception would be to say that there are more than two genders. Not too far removed from common knowledge, we all agreed that there were only two genders. Now with the fabricated lies by imposters, a gullible part of society believes in more than two genders, but yet cannot show us what the third, fourth, fifth and so on examples look like. Knowing this, these liars tell you that it isn’t a physical gender but an internal gender. How convenient, no one can see it, but we must just take you at your word that there are multiple genders that just developed over the past few years. Ok, got it.
Imposters are in your church.
Imposters are in your church whether or not you want to believe it. Whether people are lying to you about their faith, or spewing lies that are not biblical, trust me these imposters are very much there. The best example of this is what was demonstrated during covid. One week we had people raising their hand during worship chanting “whom shall I fear.” The next week, those same people were hiding at home clinging to their toilet paper instead of their Bible. The same people that claimed to follow Jesus no matter what by going out into the world and sharing the Gospel were hiding at home in fear.
The same church leaders that said their church will always be there to serve the community and welcome everyone, refused to allow entry with people who refused to wear a mask of fear. The imposters in the church turned their congregations into a cult while making excuses the entire way. Remember how imposters deceive people? They change definitions and relabel things to fit their agenda. Their agenda does not line up with scripture but is selfishly about self-preservation.
Mark my words. Someday the devil will come knocking at the church doors. Will you let him in or is he already inside?