We live in a world of make believe where people take everything at face value. There is very little due diligence and a lack of healthy distrust when it comes to taking marching orders. Those marching orders can come from an elected official, a boss or manager, or even a spiritual leader. Most people do not question anything in their life and have way too much trust in the decisions of others.

There are two types of people that oversee the majority of control functions of the human mind. The first is the intimidator, this is the person in authority. They have the power to sick the government on you or fire you from your job. The second type of person is the one who has gained your trust. This type of person is generally respected in their profession like a doctor or a pastor. Most people just by nature trust what these people tell them because they supposedly have your best interest at heart.

Our world of make believe comes full circle into the fiction section when truths are not questioned and authority is not held accountable. Many people love to use the grace card. The humanly form of grace is giving someone the benefit of the doubt when they say something that isn’t true or they do something wrong. The biblical form of grace is completely different. Gods’ grace allows us free will, lets us fall into sin by choice, choose to repent for our sin and to be forgiven of the sin by choosing to turn from our evil ways.

Human grace is a cheap imitation in a world of make believe.

Human grace usually requires no accountability, no repentance and a continual ability to keep doing the same thing over and over again without change. That is so far from biblical grace that it is not funny. When you live in a world of make believe, you allow faux definitions of words to be defined by what the secular culture of the day deems as appropriate. The word and actions are not put through a spiritual lens but are given free reign to come and go as they please; unchecked!

Why the need to create so many different Bible’s? The only reason for this is to change the word of God and water down the meaning of those words. Rarely do I ever hear anyone question Bible’s that are inaccurate, imposters or just flat out fiction. Why is this ok? Because we live in a world of make believe. When things intimidate people, they need them to be watered down for comfort. When the salt is too heavy, sugar must be added to the pallet to make it taste better. Problem is that we are called to be salt in the world, not sweetener.

Grace is only grace if there is accountability and repentance. God doesn’t grace someone into heaven. It is by his grace and through our repentance that we are allowed to unite with our creator in heaven by the accountability paid for by the blood of Jesus. When you live in a world of make believe with watered down and sweet scripture being sprinkled from pulpits, it is no wonder why our world is the way it is.

Question authority by reading your Bible.

When you read your Bible, you will learn the truth.

John 8:32 New American Standard Bible

32 and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

We represent God. The best way that we can represent him is to learn from his word and live it out in our own lives. Authority must be challenged. We need to stand up for what is right, righteous and truth as set by the Bible. Stop conforming to a world of make believe and lies. Stand against sin and lies even if it causes confrontation. I don’t care if it means standing up in the church, at your job or against an oppressive elected official. Do what is right in Gods’ eyes and quit pandering to a faux truth created by Satan.

World of Make Believe

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