The biggest thing lacking in our culture is a biblical worldview. I don’t care how many times you look back through history, you will always find the same destructful, sinful behavior that collapses a society. Babylon, Rome, Aztec, you name it. Empires always fall. They fall because they lack a biblical worldview which is a God centered foundation. When you try to build your foundation on anything other than God, it will always crumble. Doesn’t matter if it is a decade or hundreds of years. All empires lacking a biblical worldview will fall.
Where are we at in American culture as a biblical worldview is concerned? What once was a Godly nation is quickly eroding before our eyes. There are still remnants of what was and there are still a significant number of people fighting to maintain our foundation. But what has got us to this point? We have seen many other empires fall so why haven’t we learned from their mistakes and done something different? Winston Churchill said, “Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” There is a lot of truth to that statement.
It is nearly impossible to rationalize with people who do not believe in Jesus. They do not understand the Bible and they are many times hostile to the conversation. When Christians try to force a biblical worldview on others, it does not go well. Most efforts are met with firm resistance. Anything that is suggested is instantly shot down and the opposite idea is pushed as the right thing to do. Christians have sat on their hands for so long that there is no amount of legislating morals to get the country back on track.
There is a biblical worldview solution to our problem.
The biblical worldview solution to the problem that our Godless country faces can be fixed if Christians are willing to roll up their sleeves and follow the Bible. The only way to fix the issues that we face is by spreading the Gospel. This is done through our direct contact with unbelievers. You cannot force a heart to change by mandating that people do or don’t do certain things. What we do have the power to do is share the Gospel, plant the seed and hopefully God will change the heart. The more hearts that change and the more open that people are to the Gospel, will help you notice a change in our society.
Let God do the work to save our empire. Let God soften hearts so that the course of our country is changed. Stop trying to legislate issues because you are too lazy to do the work. If Christians want to save this nation and return it to its glory, then you have to get uncomfortable. Quit hiding in the four walls of your church. Quit intentionally avoiding hard conversations with people in your circle of influence. Be the hands and feet as so many Christians say. I have news for you, hands work, and feet walk. If your hands are not working and your feet are not walking, then you are not doing your job.
Put the devil in his place by getting rid of his grasp on our country. Slap his hand out of the way by leading people to Christ. Every soul won over for Christ is one less tool that the devil has to destruct our nation. Be diligent and discerning and do not fall fool for faux Gospel peddlers. The first step is reading your Bible, knowing your Bible and then living out your Bible. It took many years to get us to this point and it will take many years to fix the situation that we are in. As long as the sun comes up tomorrow and there is breath in your lungs, there is an opportunity to advance the kingdom.
Mark 16:15 New American Standard Bible
15 And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.