It is quite apparent that many people hate thinkers. When someone can problem solve and use discernment, they are going to always draw a hostile crowd. The reason for this is because most people like to go with the flow, and they prefer to be nonconfrontational. When you think for yourself and can form a coherent thought, many people will despise you. It makes others look weak, ignorant or lazy when you can think for yourself. The same thing happens when you know your Bible. When you understand and study the words of God and apply the words to your life, often you will be going against the flow. Free thinkers are a select minority in a crowded sea of conformists. The behavior of conforming helps irrational people feel like they are protected from the judgment of facts.
Often the bewilderment crowd will get argumentative when you try to hold a logical and matter of fact conversation. Take for example any inconvenient Bible verse that is brought to light. This group has no problem being passive conformists until you decide to shake their home built on a weak foundation of sand. These types of people hate thinkers because they are now required to form a logical rebuttal. What I find entertaining is if the bewilderment crowd disagrees with your stance but cannot logically justify their position, they will become angry and hostile or just walk away to avoid the confrontation. When truth is rubbed against fallacies there will be friction. Truth always wins so the lies often run and hide.
People hate thinkers because it exposes their character.
Often peoples political thinking aligns with their biblical thinking. The two issues go hand in hand regardless of if people try to pretend like they don’t. There are two types of people in this world in regard to Christianity. The first-person tires to make the Bible fit their life. They do this by ignoring scripture, changing scripture or just deleting scripture and making a whole new Bible that they find pleasing to their lifestyle. The second person realizes that their life is flawed. They read their Bible, study it, and integrate the Bible into their life to make the change through self-alignment with the written word of God. The first person is defiant in their disobedience, expects others to show them empathy for their failures and lives a life that mirrors secular culture instead of following the life of Jesus. The second person realizes that they need to parallel their life with Jesus and makes frequent changes in their behaviors to build a closer relationship with God.
Both types of people dwell in the church. Both types of people are leading churches as well. The behavior of person number one is demonic and works in conjunction with Satan. They have no intention of changing their life to mirror Christ’s. They identify with being a Christian for whatever reason they find value added by trying to validate their failure of an existence. The second person’s behavior is Christlike and works to further the kingdom. They understand that Christianity isn’t about them, but it is about sharing the Gospel with others. Understand that these two types of people cannot co-exist in the same body of believers because one person is poison. One person is light, and the other person is darkness.
I am not saying that people cannot repent and change their ways. But realistically most people will continue their behavior traits through their entire life. Jesus can and does work miracles. So, there is still hope for these people. Just do not fall for the trap of acceptance. Accepting someone’s sinful behavior and reinforcing it through empathy makes you an enabler. You are doing more to hurt the example of what it means to be a Christian than you are helping win over anyone. Be a free thinker and do not cave to the rebellious spirits.
John 3:19-21 New American Standard Bible
19 And this is the judgment, that the Light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the Light; for their deeds were evil. 20 For everyone who does evil hates the Light, and does not come to the Light, so that his deeds will not be exposed. 21 But the one who practices the truth comes to the Light, so that his deeds will be revealed [a]as having been performed in God.”