Do not compromise with anyone when it comes to scripture. Compromise means to move off of your position towards the other person’s position. When it comes to scripture, there is no compromising with God’s truth. God does not compromise, and neither should we when it comes to his word. God’s word is full of truth written just the way that God wanted it presented to us. When someone wants you to compromise with scripture, they are actually asking you to deviate from truth and move towards watering down the words of God.
Take for example the term marriage. God created the institution of marriage and clearly defined what he wanted it to be. God created man (Adam) and from Adam he created woman (Eve) to be his helper. Man and woman united as one flesh are God’s design for marriage. Any other definition of what someone falsely calls marriage is not marriage but a lie. Do not compromise with lies and accept other people’s false definition of what marriage actually is. There is no room in God’s definition for any variation of the institution that he created. Anything other than one natural born man uniting with one natural born woman is a mockery of God.
Since we know that Satan loves to mock God, we know that any lifestyle outside of what God deems appropriate is illegitimate. There are many examples of mockeries that are prevalent in our culture. Another blatant mockery of God’s institution is female pastors. The demonic interpretation of trying to elevate females into roles given by God to only males is yet another clear example of mocking God’s design.
Do not compromise with any person trying to change or water down scripture.
When people try to water down scripture or in some cases, completely change it, they are not doing it out of obedience to God. They are following a sinful desire to minimize God’s design. I will give a little benefit of the doubt here as many people are pew warmers and do not actually read their Bible. They blindly follow instructions from the pulpit and take what is said to them at face value. They don’t know any better because they do not see the importance of reading scripture to see if what they are being fed is actual truth or a convenient lie.
The other type of people that we have waging a secular battle to undermine the word of God are following their sinful and often demonic desires. When you are in a position of authority such as in a leadership role of a church, you do not get to use the ignorance card when you choose to abuse scripture. As I pointed out, leadership should be held to a different standard because they should know, where many people in their pews probably don’t know. Someone who is pushing an agenda and seeking to compromise Biblical truths has no business being in any type of leadership role overseeing any flock what-so-ever.
When one of these miscreants tries to justify their flawed position, the answer every time should be no. No compromise should be given to these individuals. If you want to honor God, do not compromise with his word. Speak the truth in love. Stand your ground on a firm foundation created by the never changing truths designed by God and given by him, to us to follow.
Hebrews 13:8 New American Standard Bible
8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today, and forever.