Many people choose to go to hell rather than spend an eternity with our creator. Yes, you read that right. People choose to go to hell. A loving God lets people choose to go to hell. He would not be a loving God if there was no accountability or disconnection from him when we sin. We are all born with this free will. Free will allows us to choose to sin or abstain from it. Likewise, our free will allows us to choose a relationship with God through repentance or a decision to spend an eternity in hell being disconnected from God. This is exactly what hell is, a complete disconnect from God. God cannot be present in sin, so anything outside of God’s grace and favor is going to be hell.

Why would anyone choose to go to hell? It sounds like a horrible place. A place where no good is present, there is no father to keep an eye on us and a place where we can never escape from. No one has to go there. No one is sent there against their free will. Every person burning in the fire pits of hell chose to go there. They made a decision of their own free will to deny Jesus, refuse to repent from their evil ways and rebelling against God. God never wanted this disconnect for their lives. God did not want us to be separated from him. Individuals choose to go to hell instead of repenting.

Don’t choose to go to hell, choose heaven instead.

Not one person on this earth can condemn you to hell. Humans do not wield that power. God will give you the opportunity to choose him every day that you are alive. He won’t force you to obey him as that would take away free will. God knows that we are born into a broken and sin filled world. This is why he choose to send his son Jesus to give us a path to redemption. Through the death and resurrection of Jesus, our sins have been forgiven and our penalty has been paid if we accept his free gift. Accepting the free gift is a personal choice that every individual must make. No one is automatically forgiven of their sins. Remember free will? That is the choice that must be made in order to receive the free gift. Accept the free gift and spend eternity in heaven. Deny the free gift and spend an eternity in hell. There is no re-do’s, no other way to change the outcome for your eternity.

Regardless of what you have been taught, people can still choose to go to hell after they have been baptized. Being baptized as a child or infant without making the personal free will choice of salvation will not save you. Adult baptisms are the outward expression of your faith and demonstrating your acceptance of this free gift. If you were baptized without making the choice of repentance and acceptance of salvation, you are not saved by the act of baptism alone. Forget the lies that you have been told. Get your soul right with God. Repent, accept salvation and enjoy an eternity with our creator instead of choosing to go to hell.

If you are living a life disconnected from Jesus, I would encourage you to accept his free will gift of salvation. The offer expires as soon as you take your last breath. Once you die, you do not get a redo or second chance. Repentance is the most important decision that you will ever make. It is a decision that will last forever and beyond any timeline that your mind can fathom. This is solely a decision between you and Jesus. Do not let the noise of anyone else get in the way of you making a decision that will seal your soul for eternity.

Acts 4:12 New American Standard Bible 1995

12 And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved.”

Choose to go to Hell

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