It is called truth speech, not hate speech when you recite a Bible verse from a true and accurate Bible translation. The secular world as well as many pew warmers often discredit biblical truths because they do not like what the Bible says about a certain topic. They claim that certain ideas and values (which are found in the Bible) are hate speech. The truth will set you free and it will also annoy left leaning propogandists who seek to create their own version of God. Anytime these manipulators attack by calling your words hate speech, just turn the conversation back on them by calling it truth speech.

I don’t waste time arguing with people that are intentionally trying to change scripture to push an agenda. Whether it be the alphabet gang and their rainbow jihad or passivists and non confrontationalists trying to use a black sharpie to highlight verses that they don’t like. I’m not going to even entertain their point of view. Some ideas and points of view are so obviously false, there is no need to waste time discussing them at any extended length of time. We are not going to argue about there being more than two genders, we are not going to argue about what political party Jesus would conform to. Those are just stupid conversations that should only be held behind closed doors by stupid people as to not annoy people who hold common biblical sense.

Embrace truth speech not hate speech.

The mere term hate speech is a manipulation tool used by the progressive left as a dog whistle to round up the troops. They do this in politics, they do this in commerce and they do this with the Bible. Often these people have never read a Bible cover to cover before. They are the type of individuals that do not seek truth, but try to invent their own truth which is obviously counter to God and his design. What more freakishly weird times could we live in then people identifying as an animal and calling themselves a furry. When someone has reached this level of mental illness, there is no explaining that God created man (Adam) and woman (Eve). You can’t even begin to explain to these people how life is created at conception, developed in the womb and brought into the world at birth.

If you even think of telling these folks that marriage is an institution of God, designed by God, for God fearing people, they will call it hate speech. Do I care what sins people choose to engage in? No. That is on them. People are free to live their life how they want to. But what I do have a HUGE problem with is when my views and truth speech are called hate speech by these individuals. It isn’t enough for them just to disagree with the truth. These people are hell bent on trying to force you to accept their sins. It is impossible to accept someone else’s sin and embrace it, without sinning yourself.

The next time a pew warmer calls your truth speech hate speech, direct them to an appropriate Bible. Have them show you where their truth is found. More often than not they will recklessly throw out a twisted version of love thy neighbor if they even engage you at all. Most of the time they will call your speech hate speech, and they will run as fast as they can to get away from the conversation. Remember how darkness hides from light? Truth is light and lies are darkness. Bottom line is all of the hate speech echo chambers need prayer. Don’t sit and argue with these individuals. Just pray for them. Pray their heart will change and continue to promote your truth speech.

Matthew 5:43-45 New American Standard Bible

43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 so that you may prove yourselves to be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.

Truth Speech Not Hate Speech

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