As a Christian you should be in a relationship with Christ, not practicing a religion. If you find yourself religious, then the two points of view are an incompatible relationship. The problem with religions is that they are man-made, meaning that they can be manipulated and altered to fit a particular point of view. A relationship however is unchanging and puts the focus on Jesus the son of God. Being religious and being a Christ-follower are not the same. For some of you, this may seem like a petty hang up, but it is one of the most significant differences between people.

Religious people follow a church doctrine as set by men. You may wonder why there are so many different denominations as well as subcultures inside of those denominations. The reason why there is a multiple personality religion disorder going on is because people are chasing doctrine and not following Christ. To be fair, most people that grew up in this environment don’t know any better. Being religious with a denominational affiliation is all these people know. The reason why these denominations exist isn’t to do something better, but to control people. The structures that are in place through these organizations control people instead of pointing them to Jesus.

There isn’t any improving a perfect person like Jesus. There isn’t improving a perfect word of God. Anytime people try to add their little bit of zest or flavor to either of these, they make a mess. When a process is created to circumvent a direct line of communication to Jesus from a person, you can see what I am talking about. Sometimes it is about money for the church. Other times it is about power. Sometimes it is even confusion and a misinterpretation of scripture. Most of the misinterpretation is done when religions change the words of God and create a different version of the Bible.

Any incompatible relationship that builds a wall between you and Jesus should be dismissed.

If you are in an incompatible relationship where a church is separating you from Jesus, know that you are in the midst of ravenous wolves. Faux Bibles are built out of flawed doctrine which is put into place by men seeking control and manipulation through deeds. Deeds will not get you to heaven, only a relationship with Jesus will. Guard your heart, keep your ears undefiled. Be aware of what you are being fed. Know that not everyone has your best interests in mind. The church body should be moving with you towards Jesus. If you find the church body seeking anything other than Jesus, know that this is not a guiding light that you should follow.

Matthew 7:15 New American Standard Bible

A Tree and Its Fruit

15 “Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves.

Incompatible Relationship

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