People are triggered by many things in life from bad experiences to trauma, and even rejection. What I find interesting is that lots of people tend to act out with their triggers by pointing the anger at God. I think the reason for this is that the church has done a terrible job showing who God is. Many denominations of Christianity take one characteristic trait of God such as “love” and make the entire ministry about it. The problem with only talking about love is that people have different expectations of what love is. People also don’t like accountability and don’t like to be told something that they want to hear. The false God created by many churches is leading many people down a path of destruction.
When people hear a message that God loves you without more context people assume things. People assume that if God loves them, the love is measured by how much money God gives us, how God will fix any situation and how a God that loves won’t let someone hurt. When the person expecting this kind of love is let down, they feel rejected and abandoned. When this happens, their natural instinct is to get mad at the false God that these Christians made. Once someone is burnt by not having their expectations met, they will usually build up walls of hurt and anger. The attitude demonstrated by these individuals is usually pointed at mocking God, blaspheming God, and all out rejection of God.
There have been many Christians who have done more damage to the Gospel because of their stupid and weak rendition of God than the secular world has. When a Christian proclaims their faith, but yet demonstrates the wrong example of God, people notice. People searching for a higher calling in life see the example of the church and decide that they don’t want to be a part of that. And you know what? I don’t blame many people at all. I was fortunate enough to have many Godly examples in my life that spoke the full truth about Jesus. I have heard many passages in the Bible that are not comfortable to accept. Having a well-rounded biblical foundation outside of the love gospel has given me the tools to understand God more.
Unbelievers are triggered by stupid things that Christians do and speak.
Just like with any group of people, there will always be a part of that group that does more damage to the overall cause than contributing help building it up. Christianity is no exception to stupid behavior. Why do you think that there are so many different churches and ways of worshiping the same God. I feel like as a Christ-follower I do a lot of damage control for the actions and words of stupid Christians. I don’t look at the situation as a frustration, I look at it as an opportunity. I get the chance to set the record straight with people that have been let down by the church. God has put these people in my life so that they can see a different example.
God does a marvelous job of using everyone to further his kingdom even if they don’t want to be willing participants. Whether or not you realize it, your actions and words do have an impact on other people. It is important to choose your words wisely. It is important to demonstrate to others what the Holy Spirit living inside of you looks like. Understand that you will not knock down walls with by creating lies and giving people false hope. More walls are built when a false representation of something is made and the fairytale that was painted for the person does not come true. Speak the truth because God is truth. Many times, the truth is not what people want to hear.
People will get mad when you speak the truth but understand this. People would rather realize that you were right later on in life than to realize that you lied to them. It may take years before the person who you are ministering to realizes the truth for themselves. One thing is for sure about lies, no lie ever ends well when someone is deceived. Deception is from the devil. The devil uses deception to keep people out of heaven by directing their free will towards hating God instead of embracing him. It is a very difficult task for someone who has rejected God to swallow the pill of humility and seek Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Have patience, demonstrate truth as you never know who is listening or watching you.
Proverbs 18:21 New American Standard Bible
21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.