The term Christian nationalism is getting used more and more frequently to describe people who have pride in their country and follow Jesus. The term is intended to be a derogatory term against these people. Usually, the term is used by liberal, secular organizations trying to demonize people who they disagree with. Liberal leaning media outlets use the term as a weapon to attack people who support Jesus and love their country. The progressive definition of Christian nationalism is a bunch of racist white people that want to force God upon everyone. In their shallow minded way of thinking, this group brands Christian nationalism as everything that the progressives hate about America and God.

Before I get too far into this, there needs to be an understanding of what is acceptable biblical behavior. The love of God and the love of one’s country cannot be equal. God does not share a spot with anyone or anything else. God must always be first. Secondly, for those of you with a family, you have a biblical obligation to put your family next in line behind God.

1 Timothy 5:8 New American Standard Bible

But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.

Another part of our responsibility is that we have an obligation to fellow brothers and sister in Christ. As one body with Jesus as the head, we are all part of the same family. Where love of country comes into place is after our biblical obligations are met. Loving your country in a Christ-centered way is acceptable behavior, but what does that look like exactly? It looks like integrating God into everything that we do, including how we love our country.

Matthew 22:36-38 New American Standard Bible 1995

36 “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?” 37 And He said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the great and foremost commandment.

Where the secular progressive crowd chimes in with their ignorance is verse 39 which is love your neighbor as yourself. There is no verse 39 without verses 36-38. This is where the friction against Christian nationalism comes from. Progressive ideology takes verses out of context, tries to manipulate the words of God by expanding the meaning of the verse to include things that are not actually included. These individuals try to brand illegal criminals as immigrants and neighbors, abortion as women’s healthcare, pride issues promoting the acceptance of sin and race baiting trying to pin people against each other.

Since we are supposed to love our God with everything that we do and say, why would this behavior not extend to loving our country in a Godly way? This behavior would include practicing our faith in public through the government that is under authority from the hand of God. This would also include publicly rebuking sinful behaviors and promoting what God says about these issues. As Christians we should actively be involved in our government and should be helping shape its role in our lives. We should be applying biblical principles to every part of government and if the progressive left wants to call that Christan nationalism, then so be it.

We are at war with the devil who deceives and his anti-Christs that roam this earth. Spiritual warfare is alive and well. We are all involved whether or not we choose to be. There are two options as a Christian. First is to sit on the sidelines and assist the devil by doing nothing. Idle hands make light work for the devil. He doesn’t have to dedicate much time to stopping you because you really are not contributing anything for the Kingdom anyways. The second option you have is to get involved. Spread the Gospel and integrate it into every part of your life including demonstrating it in your love of country. America was founded by many Christian men who shaped our nation with an understanding that our rights come from God. This moral fabric of our country will continue to be attacked by the work of the devil and his underlings.

Christian Nationalism

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