Being a brave Christian is a concept that seems few and far between now days. We live in a society where most people are nonconfrontational and will not stand up and fight for the God that they claim to serve. It is often uncomfortable to stand up for what you believe in when the world is constantly at opposition with your views. One of our tests as a Christian is to stand up against a secular world and demonstrate who Jesus is. This is done by speaking the truth by boldly proclaiming the Gospel.

Luke 14:27 New American Standard Bible

27 Whoever does not carry his own cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple.

This past week we witnessed the mockery of God at the Olympics opening ceremony. The projectile vomit intending to be entertainment mocked Jesus by having a bunch of drag queens perform a sick and twisted rendition of the last supper. Jesus is mocked all of the time in our culture. Rarely do you see the secular culture mocking Buddha and Allah. Mainly because Satan isn’t concerned about false Gods and demonic religions that are already destined for hell. Satan only cares about trying to destroy the one true God, Jesus Christ.

Being a Brave Christian isn’t Hard

It isn’t hard to be a brave Christian. All you have to do is stand up for what you believe. Take up your cross and follow Jesus. When you are on Team Jesus you shouldn’t fear as our God created everything in existence. Our God will defeat Satan and all of the faux Gods worshiped by humans. Our faith is being tested every day. Every day is a new opportunity to share the Gospel with others. Every day is a new opportunity to live out the Gospel.

I can’t wrap my head around people who are afraid to stand up and declare Jesus Lord of all. Our God cannot and will not be defeated. That is the team that I want to be on. Modern day Christianity has a problem. There are too many weak cowards that claim to know Jesus but will never follow Jesus. If you are on the team, then start participating. Sitting on the sidelines is not being an active part of the team. If you are not participating, then I will assume that you are not part of the team.

Being a brave Christin does not require much at all. All that is required is to live out what you claim to follow. When someone mocks your God, take a stand and show the demons who God is. You can love your enemies by praying for them and showing them that the lies they chose to live in are sin. Do not bow down, do not conform and do not compromise with the army of the devil. Do not play nice with the devil.

Elon Musk’s thoughts on Christianity.

Elon Musk tweeted over the weekend “Unless there is more bravery to stand up for what is fair and right, Christianity will perish.” I agree with the statement except Christianity will never perish because Jesus is the victor, but Christianity will however continue to diminish in numbers of faithful followers. There is a reason why Jesus said that the harvest is plentiful, but the labors are few. There are lots of souls that need saving but not many people willing to put in the work sharing the Gospel in all types of adversity.

Jesus is withholding his rath out of love for humanity. But make no mistake, someday every knee will bow including those who mocked our God.

Being a Brave Christian

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