Many Christians have a twisted definition of love when it comes to how they respond to sin. They think that in order to be loving to people, one must accept the sin and, in some instances, embrace the sin. These people claim to be looking at the bigger picture of loving the sinner, but in reality, they are coddling the sin. When the sin is coddled, love is not being shown to the sinner as the sinful behavior is unchecked and accepted.
Love looks different to everyone depending on how you were raised and life experiences that you have had. We should not be showing a twisted definition of love to people based off of our feelings, but instead be modeling the love that Jesus showed for us. The ultimate example of love that Jesus showed us was dying on the cross and being crucified for our sins. He laid down his life so that way we could be forgiven for the sins that we committed.
Never once did Jesus promote, coddle or accept sin in order to love someone. Not once. If you are being told something different it is a complete lie. People that do not read a accurate Bible or any Bible for that matter struggle with a basic grasp of what love is. When you do not possess the biblical knowledge to create a clear definition in your life, you often grasp at faux interpretations of reality. It is easier for people to make something into what they want instead of acknowledging what it really is.
A Twisted Definition of Love is a Fabrication of Lies.
For the biblically illiterate crowd, love is often pared with its counter part, the word judgment. When you question someone about their flawed definition of love they smack you upside the head with the judgment card. They know some out of context Bible verses about judge not, but they do not understand what the full weight of judgment actually looks like.
When ever someone throws out the don’t judge card, I instantly know what kind of fool that I am dealing with. These people are not deceived, but deceivers. They seek to manipulate the conversation by seeking to silence you by labeling you as judging. Their love only goes as far as pushing their agenda and their understanding only goes as far as their deception.
Let’s get a few things straight. God loves his creation, humans. It saddens him when we disconnect from him by committing sin. God shows his love to everyone daily through many examples in life. Every breath we breathe is a gift from a loving God. God’s love goes deeper than the surface. Sin is our disconnect from God. God’s love only saves us from our sin if we accept his son Jesus. We cannot carry our sin to heaven and present it to God while expecting him to love us anyways. It doesn’t work like that.
God’s love was Jesus’s sacrifice on the cross. That free gift is the ultimate love shown for us. It saves us from death, and it saves us from an eternity in hell which is a separation from God. The twisted definition of love on this earth doesn’t even begin to fathom what eternal love is. The perverted, deformed, and destructive things that people on this earth call love don’t hold a candle what God’s definition of love is.
Love is love is one of the stupidest phrases known to man. Love is not love. You cannot define a word by using the same word to describe it. God is love. Everything good comes from God and his love for us. When you think of the word love, think of God, not a twisted definition of love and fabricated lies.
John 3:16 New American Standard Bible
16 “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life.