The lazy Christian is becoming more and more common. We live in a world where people are often afraid to stand up for themselves out of fear of being attacked for their views. When this shift happens, often Christians search for other people to fight their battles. Instead of being on team Jesus, they instead seek out politicians to do the fighting for them. The lazy Christian is afraid to roll up their sleeves and get some dirt on their shoes. If they can build up political leaders who align with some of their values then they are fine with this approach to fight Satan.
Not too long ago, churches would be unashamed to spread the Gospel. These same churches would unafraid to call out sin and remind people to repent from their sinful ways. There would be a certain standard for which people would conduct their lives and most people would self acknowledge when they did something not pleasing to God. Fast forward to now. Only a handful of years down the road and the church for the most part has thrown out many of the foundational strongholds of the past. Many Christians have become weak cowards, often too caught up with their comfort, what fits their needs, and keeps them as neutral and nonconfrontational as possible.
In less than a decade the vast majority of the church has turned into a bumbling band of wimps. Did you ever notice that many Christians look for political leaders that will uphold and promote traditional Christian values? The main reason for this behavior is because this group of voters wants someone else to do their dirty work. The unobtainable standard which they create for a political candidate is based off of all the characteristic traits that they wish they could find in themselves. These people don’t even reach the threshold in their personal life that they have created for person seeking public office.
The Lazy Christian Seeks to Elect the Morally Pure
As free people, we should be looking to elect people that will help us retain our freedoms. We should be voting for people that will keep a hands off approach to our religious liberties. We don’t need political leaders that fit the mold of a perfect Christian. We certainly don’t need political leaders that fill the void of a weak and lazy church that is afraid to bring the battle of the earth to their door steps. If you are looking for a champion to fight for you, who will never let you down and will always demonstrate truth, then look to Jesus.
Next time you have the opportunity to vote for someone regardless of the office, look for the person that is most likely to ensure your religious freedoms are kept intact, not someone who will act as leader of your church. Many pastors have led their flocks astray by indicating that their congregations should vote for the person who puts on the best moral show. We all know that everything that you see could be a fabrication of lies. This world is full of deceivers. Give Jesus the full credit as your leader and promote his agenda instead.
Start getting your feet dirty and do some of the heavy lifting. Jesus never said make sure when you vote, you vote for the person who is most likely to do your job for you. Jesus said to take up your cross. Are you going to take up your cross and quit being a lazy Christian? Or are you going to continue to expect your political leaders to do your job for you? I know that people put way too much faith in our political leaders. If that faith and energy would be put into sharing the Gospel instead, the world would be a better place.
Proverbs 13:4 New American Standard Bible
4 The soul of the lazy one craves and gets nothing, But the soul of the diligent is made prosperous.