We usually get our entertainment from a variety of sources. Entertainment is a way for people to unwind, relax and forget about their troubles. Some people find entertainment by going to a movie. Others get entertained by watching a sporting event. Sometimes entertainment comes in the form of a hobby. Being entertained is the new American past time. People want to escape from reality and entertainment is the perfect way to do it.
Churches have caught on that people like to be entertained. The once humble house of worship and home of biblical reinforcement is being replaced with entertainers. Traditional worship hymns are being replaced by a second tier rock band. The band jams out on stage while the fog machine fills the room. Modern day worship has turned into cheap entertainment similar to that of an amusement park.
Houses of worship are moving in the wrong direction if they seek to entertain their congregations. Church is not a place for entertainment but community. There is a huge difference between entertaining and community. Churches are a place to worship God and learn about him from Bible teaching. When your congregation turns into an audience, you are becoming an entertainer. Entertainers turn into idols and idols conflict with worshiping God.
Entertainment needs to turn to worship.
There is no right or wrong way to worship as worshiping God is between the individual and their creator. Praising God and keeping the focus on him is what true worship is. Where worship crosses over to entertainment is when the show detracts from worshiping God. There is zero worshiping going on by the act of having a fog machine blasting out clouds of smoke. It is a stupid distraction that has no place in church. Random blabbering by a worship leader turns into entertainment. Excessive décor and flashing lights again turn the worship time into entertainment and a distraction from the purpose.
All of these things have crept into the church within the past decade. Most of these things are nothing but garbage trying to compete with a secular world for entertainment purposes. It is repulsive to watch and I don’t want any part of it. It is a big deal because it is just one step closer to the church trying to have one foot in the world and one foot out. I do realize that the vast majority of people like to be entertained so they will not find any issue with this behavior. It is hard to blame people who have been trained and conditioned to take their marching orders from carnival barkers.
If you pastor a church of entertainment then you are a carnival barker and should change the purpose of your mission. When humbleness is lost, pride steps in. Prideful behavior is wildly exhibited by entertaining audiences instead of teaching your congregation. Our God is a jealous God and does not like to compete for his audience. We are called to worship, not seek entertainment.
Exodus 34:14 New American Standard Bible
14 —for you shall not worship any other god, because the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God—