Am I the only one that sees how worship services are turning into an annoying cult of chants? Traditional church hymns and songs of the past told a story, sung the words of the Bible and a simple chorus. It seems that recent church worship services have adapted the annoying cult of chants where a few lyrics are sung, and the rest of the song is a verse repeated over and over and over and over and over. I think that I might have forgot a few more over’s to be accurate. What is with the new age chants and why have they replaced the songs of the past?

Before you strike me as a fuddy dud, I’m a millennial. I have seen churches evolve like crazy over the past couple decades. Honestly where I am from, I don’t recognize the church of the past. I’m not saying that some change isn’t good, as it can be. All I am saying is that I do not understand the infatuation with repetitive cult like chants from the worship services that I have seen. To top it off, the worship leader talks during the chants, sings a little, then talks some more while the congregation is regurgitating the same line over and over and over and over and over.

I’m not saying that we have to sing all hymns of the past. I am just saying that there is other great music with verses and a chorus that does not chant. It is almost like a record player got stuck and keeps playing over and over again. It isn’t cool, it isn’t uplifting, it doesn’t make me feel closer to God, it makes me annoyed. I have three teenage kids who listen to a wide variety of music, and it annoys them as well. So, what gives?

The annoying cult of chants can go away anytime now.

I don’t know who needs to hear this, but the annoying cult of chants can go away anytime now. The blabbering between repetitive chants can stop as well. I don’t see the purpose. It is weird. It is strange. It isn’t natural. I have been to a ton of concerts over the year from Christian artists, Country artists, Rock artists and I don’t hear the annoying cult of chants anywhere besides church.

I realize that not every church is like this. I realize that there are many traditional churches out there that still use hymn books. What I don’t get is when a church grows, it feels the need to warp into something strange and evolve into a rock concert for a second-tier band. It is possible to grow your church and not lose the flavor and traditions that built the church body. The only reason why I am bringing this up is because it annoys me. I didn’t know that it annoyed other people until I heard several other brothers-in-Christ say something out of the blue about it.

If this many people are annoyed by the annoying cult of chants, then why don’t we do something about it? Just like many things in life, people tend to go with the flow. When you start questioning why things are the way they are, I guaranty you that other people think the same way as you do. Ear plugs are not the answer. Returning to a reasonable worship service is the solution. The vast majority of people that I talk to, do not appreciate the annoying cult of chants. Let’s take back the worship service and put the focus back on God instead of a babbler. It is not joyful to hear one verse sung over and over and over and over and over again.

Psalm 95:1-2 New American Standard Bible

Praise to the Lord, and Warning against Unbelief.

95 O come, let us sing for joy to the Lord,
Let us shout joyfully to the rock of our salvation.
Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving,
Let us shout joyfully to Him with psalms.

The Annoying Cult of Chants

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