There are denominations who become abominations when they stand for everything except the Gospel. The easiest way to spot one of these denominations is by how they treat the authority of Jesus. When these groups liken Jesus to a nice guy instead of a savior, you know that you have spotted a counterfeit. If all denominations started from the same place but grew apart, then one would think that there would at least be a common agreeance of the Gospel, wouldn’t you? The Gospel in these faux houses of worship has morphed into a convenience rather than a conscience.

Regardless of the denomination, the focus should always be on Jesus. It is important to understand that there is the Jesus of the Bible and there is the Jesus that people try to recreate in a different form. A convenient Jesus created by these people waters down the foundation of scripture to minimize the impact of Jesus’s ministry. Instead of glorifying the gift of salvation, these individuals turn Jesus into an inclusive person who was a nice guy who did good deeds. The watered-down examples these people give do not begin to show the strength and mighty power of our God.

Denominations who become abominations lie and deceive.

Many of the denominations that I am referring to are those that promote sexual immorality such as gay marriage and the slaughtering of children through abortion. There is no grey area or different points of view when it comes to scripture on many topics. I give these two as an example as most people have an opinion and they are both commonly talked about. God created the institution of marriage between one natural born man and one natural born woman. Gay marriage as promoted through some denominations completely disregards what the Bible says and turns their words to lies. These denominations know better, but they choose to follow Satan rather than God. One of the basic fundamentals of the purpose of creation and its function is completely destroyed when this behavior is exhibited. You might as well take a black sharpie to half of the book of Genesis.

God creates all life. Period. Something cannot grow if it is not alive. When denominations who become abominations talk about abortion, they completely disregard God’s authority over life. Instead, out of convenience and demonic behavior, these denominations choose to promote the murdering of God’s creation. Accepting this behavior is becoming part of the behavior. These two issues separate a church of God from a denomination of abomination. There are many more examples, but I don’t even need to get into them. I think that destroying the institution of marriage and ending a life are quite enough to call these denominations abominations.

Proverbs 15:26 New American Standard Bible

26 Evil plans are an abomination to the Lord, but pleasant words are pure.

Denominations Who Become Abominations

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