Spiritual demons are all around us and most of the time we don’t even know it until they present themselves. I happened to go to a local event the other night that had live music, food and lots of activities. When I was walking past the band on stage the vocalist was talking between sets. He said something that caught my ear and made me think. The singer said something to the fact that “we are having a spiritual night”. This was a secular event and not a religious event so his words made absolutely no sense in the environment that we were in. I thought about that phrase for a little bit of time and I wondered what he meant by spiritual.
To me, spirituality referred to a religious feeling that someone felt. Looking into this a little further, it is yet another term manipulated by the devil to not only distract by redefine any holiness that the word bore. Spiritual demons are very crafty with their word. They choose to select words and phrases which traditionally have empowered and promoted Godly characteristics in people. The reason the devil does this is because he seeks to destroy everything that God created. What better way to destroy something, but to give it new meaning far away from the original intent.
Spiritual demons enjoy mocking God.
Since demons know that they cannot destroy God, they in turn seek to mock him as long as they have free reign. The mocking is done in public and right to our faces. Too many people are oblivious or just flat out dumb enough to not see what is actually happening. The devil continues to erode our culture by taking wholesome truth and twisting it into a sinister lie. When someone uses the term spiritual, it is referencing a spirit. Unless the spirit is the Holy Spirit, then it is a demonic spirit. Don’t play along and pretend that people can be spiritual in different ways. That isn’t how this works.
Next time you hear someone say that they are a spiritual person, ask them what they mean by spiritual. If they give you an answer that is different than the Holy Spirit, be on guard. Understand what kind of person that you are dealing with. Don’t let their fabrication of lies and self confusion be accepted as something that it is not. Just because someone believes something that isn’t true doesn’t mean that their perspective is true. Easily manipulated people search for acceptance in all sorts of things. Sometimes those things are spiritual demons.
John 14:16-17 New American Standard Bible
The Holy Spirit
16 I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, so that He may be with you forever; 17 the Helper is the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it does not see Him or know Him; but you know Him because He remains with you and will be in you.