Lots of times when evil speaks, many Christians are silent on the issue at hand. But when a fellow brother or sister interject when evil speaks, these same people will be the first ones to throw out Bible verses trying
Spirit Led
There are two types of people in this world. Those who are spirit led and those are led by Satan. There isn’t another option. Being spirit led means that you have accepted Christ as your personal savior and are now
Vote Biblically
What exactly does it mean to vote biblically? Just like everything in life, we should always turn to the Bible for answers. The Bible gives us examples of what to follow and how we should form our decisions when selecting
Duty to Share
As followers of Christ, we all have a duty to share the Gospel with others. We are all different parts of the body of Christ and function in different ways. We also have different spheres of influence when it comes
Accepting Responsibility
Accepting responsibility for your actions can go a long way in restoring relationships if we have harmed another individual. Holding ourselves accountable for our actions shows that we have sincerely acknowledged our shortcomings and are on a path to making
Devil Quote Scripture
Don’t let the devil quote scripture because anything that comes from the mouth of Satan is a lie. I bet many of you didn’t know that Satan knows the words of the Bible. There was an exchange between Satan and
Spiritual Abuse
Spiritual abuse runs rampant throughout the Christian community. What is spiritual abuse exactly? The term basically encompasses hurting another person, projecting fear upon the person or attempting to control the other person through the use of the Bible and scripture.
Childless Cat Ladies
All of us need Jesus, including childless cat ladies. The phrase “childless cat lady” came from vice presidential candidate VD Vance who was describing voters that supported the opposing political ticket. While political insults may be comical and often times
Jesus is King
If you have followed any kind of news outlet in the past few days, I am sure that you heard the phrase “you are at the wrong rally”. That phrase was presidential candidate Kamala Harris’s response to a person in
Be Bold
The Bible tells us to be bold, not weak. Before you throw out the word meek, let me stop you right there and tell you that meek and weak are not the same thing. Being meek means to be gentle