Facts trump feelings and many people seem to have a problem with that. Facts are truth and feelings are perceived truth. To understand this, one must be able to separate emotion from reality. Often times people weight on their emotions
Don’t Waste Your Time
Don’t waste your time trying to convince someone else that they are wrong about a particular thing. People instantly shut down when they feel like their point of view is threatened. Most people’s thoughts are set in stone by the
Biblical Worldview
The biggest thing lacking in our culture is a biblical worldview. I don’t care how many times you look back through history, you will always find the same destructful, sinful behavior that collapses a society. Babylon, Rome, Aztec, you name
Imposters Around Us
Fabricated lies and imposters continue to taint this world. The church doors are not secure from this behavior either. I will just jump right into scripture with this one. 2 Timothy 3:12-14 New American Standard Bible 12 Indeed, all who want
Twisted Definition of Love
Many Christians have a twisted definition of love when it comes to how they respond to sin. They think that in order to be loving to people, one must accept the sin and, in some instances, embrace the sin. These
Hard Truth
The hard truth is not easy for people to accept. Most people would prefer to have their ears tickled in a non-confrontational way rather than to hear the hard truth. Many pulpits recognize this behavior and gear their messages to
Is Empathy Biblical?
If you have read my book, you already know my answer to the question. The word empathy is a modern word that has only been used in the English language for the last hundred or so years. It was coined