I often use the term pew warmers when referring to people who just show up to church on Sunday and do nothing to further the Kingdom the rest of the week. I used to be a pew warmer. I made
Throughout history Satan has relentlessly worked on presenting a faux gospel. His avenue of engagement is though churches led by ravenous wolves, doctrines of deceit and complacent fools that regurgitate every talking point without any spiritual due diligence. We live
People are triggered by many things in life from bad experiences to trauma, and even rejection. What I find interesting is that lots of people tend to act out with their triggers by pointing the anger at God. I think
Christians need to toughen up. I know this will offend a lot of you, but many Christians that I see are wimps and need a fire lit under their butt. When I say toughen up, I mean get ready for
We are often sold a counterfeit Jesus by faux Christians. There is a never-ending lecture about love from this group of people. Except the love being peddled is not an agape love as demonstrated in the Bible. The word love
What if I told you that the word tithe actually was referring to the temple tax in the Old Testament. The reason why the word tithe is used in modern day church instead of temple tax is because it is
I don’t care if you are offended and neither does God. Being offended is a personal choice; it is a you problem. We live in a society where people are easily offended. Many times, people are offended because someone does
If you don’t accept accountability for your actions, then you cannot be trusted. Repentance in a biblical context is acknowledging your sin, seeking forgiveness and turning from this behavior. People that do not want to be held accountable often do
I despise wimpy Christianity. I don’t want to be part of any organization that clings to wimpiness. If we look at the characterizes of God, we will never find the word wimpy to describe him. As Christians, we are supposed
The more you care about something, the more you talk about it. Look no further than someone’s social media account. What kinds of things do people talk about all of the time? I’m sure that family tops most of the